Our Projects

Warm homes for children in need

The Hand in Hand Association operates 10 warm homes throughout the country, hosting daily children aged 3-7, from distressed families defined by the authorities as “high risk”.

“Warm home” literally – a place where the child will feel that he is wanted, where he is cared for, nurtured and given the loving environment that is the natural right of every child.

In the warm homes, the children meet a warm and loving team of caregivers, who give them all the basic things that seem to every other child completely simple: know how to eat a plate, read, write, play with friends and more.

In the warm homes, the children receive hot and fresh meals cooked on the spot, round trips, enrichment classes, educational and educational activities, instilling the right values ​​and habits, and especially lots of love, which is so lacking for these children, living in the shadow of horror. Violent.

The existence of the warm homes and their positive influence, prevent the children from being exposed to the influences of the street, and give them an opportunity to develop properly, which may make them later in life, partners in the circle of donors and producers in the community. This framework also allows the parents of the children to integrate into the labor market and lead a more normative lifestyle.

Among the graduates of the warm homes, you can find startupists, high-tech people, doctors, army officers, lawyers and more.

Every child who comes into the world deserves an equal opportunity – we are here to give it to him.

CEOs? Owners of companies? Take sponsorship of a new warm home in Israel! For more details click here

Hotline - Call Center

An emergency line that is open every day, from morning to evening, for every person in Israel who is in distress and needs help. HaMoked, the oldest in its field in Israel, provides completely anonymous counseling on a variety of topics: relief of anxiety, stress and loneliness, violent problems, difficulties in the family, relationship between him and her, repentance or question, addictions and more.

The center is staffed by volunteers from the fields of psychology, nursing, education and social work, who undergo unique professional training by the association’s staff. In the telephone conversations, the volunteers give the caller a sense of security, relief and a solution to the issue of his application, while providing important information about qualified persons who can directly address his problems

Every day, dozens of citizens, from young people to senior citizens, turn to the hotline, asking only for someone to listen to them. Most of them find an answer and relief in a conversation with HaMoked volunteers, who operate the hotline with great dedication and tolerance.

The hotline is open 7 days a week from 10:00 to 22:00.

Phone: 03-6204999

Listening ear – listen, and sometimes save lives

Interested in volunteering at the center? Contact us by email: Yadbyd@zahav.org.il or by phone: 03-6203141

Distribution of food

The association’s staff provides hundreds of food baskets every month to needy families, referred by the Welfare Bureau, in order to let them go through the difficult period with dignity and a full stomach.

The food baskets contain a considerable amount of preserves, legumes, oil and other basic products, in order to ensure the necessary nutritional security. The baskets are packaged and distributed in the association’s offices, according to the criteria, with full respect for the privacy and dignity of the aid recipient.

Among those who apply for these baskets, you can find the elderly, new immigrants, single-parent families, the unemployed and other populations who are in financial difficulties, who do not have the money to buy basic products for themselves and their families.

Continuing education and professional development

The Hand in Hand Association holds advanced training courses for club staff, parents and attentive ear center volunteers.

The advanced training includes: seminars for the club staff by a senior instructor and social worker, accompaniment and guidance within the framework of a pedagogical instructor, and professional workshops for volunteers who provide a telephone answer to those who contact the ‘Ear of Attention’ emergency line.

The Foundation for the Salvation of Human Lives

One of the notable projects, consistent with the vision and giving of the Yad Association is the Human Rescue Foundation, which has provided assistance to patients in need of emergency surgeries and transplants abroad, who have not been treated by other health systems.
The foundation was established in the 1980s following a phone call from a child who said he was prone to die of a serious illness, and his parents were unable to help him due to their difficult financial situation. Mrs. Shelly Hoshen recruited donors to fund his surgery.
This case, was the basis for the establishment of the Human Life Saving Foundation, which expanded its activities for hundreds of needy children and adults across the country.
Hundreds of patients treated under the foundation have been sent abroad for transplants and heart, kidney, liver, bone marrow and more surgeries, all over Europe and the United States.
The fund provided financial and organizational assistance and operated branches abroad for the benefit of the patient and his family.
The assistance is provided to any patient who meets the criteria of the Ministry of Health and the fund’s regulations, on an equal basis, and in accordance with the therapeutic and financial means available to the esteemed fund that has been discontinued in the past.

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